The Secret

November 08, 2012

Today i had seen a movie that had changed my life forever. I was sitting infront of my computer and negative thoughts came to haunt me again. I felt like it was a never ending cycle that is out to torment me. I texted gaolei, my senior last year, who introduced me to this movie called The Secret: laws of attraction. In the movie, it has taught me that through three steps i could achieve whatever i want to in my life. Ask, answer and receive. Always ask the universe for what you want, and as what the movie said ' treat the universe as a catalogue and tell the universe what you want by writting it down or thinking about it' we always have to visualize the goal that we have in mind and believe in it. In order to do so, we must filter out all the negative thoughts in our mind and turn them into positives. For example, if i want to be a physicist, i must think that i will be a physicst and not its impossible or i wish i can because thats not what affirming your thoughts is. When you think positive, it will send a signal to the universe that will give u whatever u want at the right place and the right time. Thinking negatively will send out a negative signal to the universe and it will also send it back at you. Now you see why when you have a bad day it is being prolonged the whole day because u kept thinking about the shit that has happened to you. With that, the universe will answer to your wishes and grant it to u and you are to receive it. Receiving means taking into account of every single detail that leads to your ultimate goal and not reject or doubt it. All my life i kept thinking how miserable my life is and how ive worked so much harder than the others but dont get what i want. It doesnt make sense, right? Today, i know that its because i kept putting myself down by telling people how stress i feel, how useless i am and dwell on my incapabilities and what i cant have. I am the obstacle to my goals and all along i didnt see it till this very day. It really changes the mindset that i have. Ive always not dared to dream, for the fear that my dreams will be dashed and i will be left with nothing but disappointments. If i dont believe in myself, who else can? From today, i can visualize myself sitting infront of miss morni and miss yang with smiles on their faces and congratulating me for how well ive done. I will be there, bursting into tears of joy and i will go up and hug yunhan and break the news to him. I will see his face light up and hug me back tightly and we share the joy together. I will be in Temasek Junior College where i will spend my 2 years in the same school as bennett and yunhan like ive promised and i will be studying physics, chemistry, math and economics/literature. Yes, that will happen. I am not going to be negative anymore and im going to start believing in myself that i can do it. I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MY MEASURE. Temasek junior college, i will be there next year. (: "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement Stone

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