Struggles in the everyday life of a teenage girl

January 14, 2015

Trust me when I say being a girl isn't easy. There is a lot more going on in a girl's mind than sitting around chattering away the day and constantly seeing them shopping around for more clothes when their closet barely can fit anymore of it. Im inspired to write this post because even though I don't have anything to do now, Im still feeling troubled and I was wondering whats wrong. It surfaced to me that I'm having all these problems that have been with me all along, be it if im stressed with exams or with nothing in my life like right now just like the rest of the girls. So here are some struggles a teenage girl faces in her daily life.

1) Insecurity

Admit it, if you are a girl and you are reading this right now you probably have turned your head while a gorgeous girl walked past you, or wishing you could look like bloggers that look so perfect in their photos and constantly scroll through their instagram to give yourself a reason to wallow in self-pity. We all have been there. No matter how beautiful a girl is in the eyes of the others, she would never feel like she is pretty enough to anyone. She would constantly feel like no matter what she does, she will be judged based on how she looks. She would wonder what the others think of her when meeting someone for the first time. Ridiculous thoughts like, ' Am I too ugly that I scared others away? ' starts to pop up in your head when you didn't get the reaction you expected from them like the group being too quiet or giving back one-liners.

Deep down inside every girl, she will feel the need to look pretty even though there is a popular saying ' looks aren't everything '. Yes, it definitely isn't everything, but it makes the first impression. It makes the first impression to someone that doesn't know you. Its a deciding factor if they want to hire you or not when it comes to retail stores.

Most of the guys would always take into account of how you look before deciding if they want to know you better. ( I said most, not all). We girls know that its somewhat true and thus we always have to do whatever it takes to make ourselves appear more beautiful, or at least make us feel more beautiful.
This is why girls have to constantly shop for new clothes even though we have tons of clothes sitting in our closet because we always feel the need to change up our looks in order not to appear repetitive and boring with the same clothes. This is why girls spend a large sum of money on eyeliner to make our eyes look bigger and alive, bright lipstick to get attention and foundation to cover up all our flaws on our skin; just so to look better. And all these for what? Because we feel insecure, insecure about how we look because we would never feel satisfied with ourselves. Even though we constantly comfort ourselves of accepting ourselves as they way we are, negative thoughts about our body image would creep up on us once in awhile in this society where looks have become something that is heavily emphasized on, especially with pictures of models on blogshops, influencers and magazines and TV.

2) Dealing with the PMS

Its real thing guys. PMS is real. There is a period every month where you just feel like shutting yourself in your room and unplug yourself from all social media including watsapp and lie in bed all day because you feel empty. Things that people do around you become magnified and you start to notice the little actions that will make you annoyed like a crowded canteen with people moving past you non stop, someone who is beside you who keeps talking on the phone non stop or even a customer who is very particular of her orders that hold up your queue. These are the days where if anyone ever said anything that ticks you off you will explode, just like a walking time bomb.

Guys will never understand the struggles of having to go through this emotional roller coaster, having the ability to change how you feel within a split second constantly throughout the day is tiring. Its not our choice to feel that way, it's just hormones. So be a little more understanding and sensitive if a girl is acting a little weird around you or having a face that is scarier than the fiercest teacher you have ever met. Offer her warm water and chocolates, it'll keep you safe from being a victim of PMS and earning yourself a label as a girl dream best friend.

3) Not enough money 
Even though we don't eat a lot and generally eat a lot lesser than a guy, we tend to spend our money on fancy cafes that sells a bowl of spaghetti for $27 when you can get at a hawker centre for less than half of the price. I mean come on, when you are out with your girlfriends and you all just want to find a place to chit chat (because girls are just so chatty and won't shut up) and has great ambience, there is no better place than cafes where you can just sit there for hours and they don't chase you out. I cant imagine myself having a heart to heart talk with somebody in a hawker centre. Just no. Whats better is that most of them have free wifi and plugs(plus point!). Sadly, all these cafes come with a price and all their food are seriously overpriced I mean come on, $15 for a bowl of salad?

Not to mention the large bulk that comes from shopping, starbucks, makeup, transport(because who wants to risk getting their dress wet when its pouring heavily, or ruin a makeup for a party when squeezing in buses and mrts during peak hours that makes you sweat like a crazy).

4) ' Sorry I can't eat these, Im on a diet '
You have definitely hear someone saying that and it's probably a girl. How many times have you heard a girl saying that their on a diet? It seems like they are forever on a diet but few days later you see them munching on brownies and snacks. No matter how skinny a girl is, she will always complain how fat she is and specifically telling you where she think her fats went to if you disagree. I would always complain how ugly my thighs are, and every other part of the body every now and then. ' See you see my leg so fat omg! ' Im guilty as hell on this.

To the guys, even if you think she is going to fail her diet a few days later don't point out and force her to eat more food because you should always respect what she sets her mind of doing... EVEN WHEN YOU THINK ITS GOING TO FAIL. Just smile and watch her force down the bowl of apple salad that taste awful without any topping. At least you acknowledge her short lived determination which please us enough.

5) Long toilet queues
I really hate it when Im really in need to use of the toilet but the queue is horrendously long, especially after a movie, after an event. I have to wait impatiently in line as I watch the guys going in and out of the Gents in less than 5mins while im still in the same spot of the queue. I really think that all the shopping malls should have 2 toilets for the ladies because there would always be a queue. I remembered the queue in Marina Bay Shoppes was all the way out until the shops area and everyone was complaining. I really don't know what some girls do in the toilet because they really take real long in there.

6)Dramatic cat fights

I really admire how guys would always disagree and fight with each other but they will be fine after a few days but when a girl fight breaks out, it would usually mark the end of a friendship or it takes a few months or even years to forgive one another. I guess girls are more egoistic people and hardly give in and apologize because we are so used to letting guys making the first move and they will tend to hold grudges more than guys. When I recall back at the fights I've been into, it took a few years to build back the friendship I had with this girl, and some just remain like two strangers that never crossed paths. Even though girls don't quarrel as much as guys do, when a fight breaks out between two girls it would usually not end well. Its really sad to see how one fight just breaks two girls apart forever, and the funny thing is we usually wouldn't even remember what we were fighting about in the first place but the hatred remains.

Girl fights usually involve other parties as well, especially when both girls are from the same group of friends. It's usually you have to either side with one or the other. You cannot remain on mutual ground or you will be blacklisted by both. This will just split the group of friends and everything is just not the same anymore. I guess girls have to start to learn how to forgive and forget about things, though I hold onto grudges too Im trying to bury the hatchet to those whom I've fallen out with because hating on someone doesn't make you feel good but rather guilty, because you have once loved her and cared for her and she used to mean something to you.

7) Being feminine
Im always told to sit like a lady because I will always tend to put one leg on the chair and the other on the floor because its just a comfortable position. Im also always told that Im a really messy person and no boy would ever like such a girl. Its like everything that I do, I must be and act like a lady. I know it's for the best but I just can't help it. Some days you just feel like being yourself and how you would usually behave at home. Why can't I just talk loudly with my friends when I'm out with them since those people sitting around me won't remember me anyway and my friends are used to my unglam sides since we are comfortable with each other. I just really wish that I could do what I want even though its not a lady like thing to do because Im just comfortable being myself.

8) Unable to carry out masculine tasks

Whenever it comes to carrying heavy items for events, I can't help but to feel helpless looking at the guys carry those things for us because we just aren't strong enough to carry them(unless you are a super strong girl, I applaud you). Things like big music instruments for concerts, stacks of chairs for exams are just the things we can't carry on our own and we just have to stand there and let the guys do the job. I don't know if it's just me, but don't you feel like helping out as well? It feels like we are not doing anything to help because its our capabilities. I just wish girls would be as strong as guys, that would be great.

Here are just some of the things that I feel a teenage girl would face in her everyday life in my point of view. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about them. Thats all for now!

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