Memories collecting dusts

November 11, 2012

Every now and then i will get a little nostalgic whenever i see your updates, but nah. Im not upset over you anymore. Actually, ive stopped being upset over you because ive wasted too much tears and time earnestly trying to win you back. Little did i know that you dont deserve me. You dont even come across my mind anymore for like a year and its surprisingly odd for someone as emotional as me. Well, i used to describe myself that ' im a weak little flower that will be blown away by the slightest gust of the wind. ' but boy this little flower turned rigid and firmly standing tall. The pain that you had given me was excruciating, but nonetheless ive learnt more about you. You are just someone who would get bored and move on and hoping that you can get someone better. Oh sweetie, please be realistic, no one will ever be ever to tolerate your hot temper, your bossy little attitude and your clingy behaviour. Just saying;) its your loss, not mine. Believe what you want, but everyone clearly knows you are the one who had sinned and you should be ashamed. Tata! Anyway, cant wait to get the mcqs done and over with. Geeesh, its like a never ending suspense that is slowly manifesting as each day goes by. I will see my freedom on Friday! I will get full marks for all my mcqs! POSITIVE VIBES WOOOHOOOO!!! ++++++++

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