Well written

June 08, 2012

Here's a short paragraph from Xiaxue from her 12 Feb post. 

It definitely speaks the hearts of many. The society should quit moaning and whinning about everything and do something about it instead of sitting around trying to mess up others lives to make themselves feel better. I guess everyone has been there, done that, including me.We get jealous over others, thus, we try to dig out any flaw to put others down instead of improving on ourselves which is really immature and dumb. Xiaxue's post is well written. Couldn't respect her more.

Taken from : http://xiaxue.blogspot.sg/search?updated-max=2012-03-07T07:07:00%2B08:00&max-results=7&start=9&by-date=false

" And then later on in life you like a cute boy but he chooses a girl prettier than you, slimmer than you. She works out at the gym, watches her diet and she's got plastic surgery and wears makeup and pretty clothes all the time.

What do you do? Instead of upping your game you bitch and moan, complaining that the girl cheated her way up the looks hierarchy. Stupid girl must spend all her time dwelling on her looks and must have no personality at all!

Why should men care about looks? What a shallow man, you say, conveniently forgetting you also liked him because of his looks.

Shouldn't they care about character, like in that Taylor Swift song? Can't he see you are his soulmate? If she didn't work out or had plastic surgery you bet you are even better-looking than her!!

Ah but here's the thing... She did work out and she did get surgery.

Surprise!! Other people are more hardworking than you! Instead of blaming the system, GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND DO SOMETHING.What is stopping you?

Are you afraid that if you studied hard your results are only mediocre? Are you afraid that after plastic surgery and losing weight you are still ugly and your dream boy still doesn't like you? So afraid and insecure that you'd rather never have tried hard before, than to try hard and fail? Well then fuck you, you have no rights to insult others who had the courage to try. " - Xiaxue

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