CNOS4 Challenge 2 - #Voiceforpaws

April 03, 2015

Hey guys!

If you all have been keeping up with my social media site, I have been really busy with challenge 2, which is a project to raise funds for SPCA to help the less fortunate pets.

Jia Hao is my team mate and together we came up with our group name


            "Be a voice for the voiceless"

It means that we can change the lives of less fortunate pets through means within our capacity. And what better way is there than to raise funds in order for these unforunate pets who are abused and tortured?

Our team will be selling a few items:

1) Sticky

Sticky would be sold in boxes of $5, $8 and $12.

$5 for a packet

$8 per plastic container
$12 per jar

These are just not any normal sticky, but customized sticky for #cnos4, how awesome and unique is that? Even I want one packet for myself.

From +Cathay Lifestyle instagram

2) SPCA Merchandise
We would be selling $35 worth of merchandise from SPCA, ranging from pet deisgned pens, tote bag and badges!

photos taken from SPCA products

3) Henna Drawing
Yes! I know you all have seen how beautiful and pretty my henna is! Though the one on my hand isn't drawn by me, I've sure been practicing a lot at home and even prepared a few samples for you all to consider as well!

For traditional Henna drawings, it will be at $5.

For simple designs, it would be $2

If you want something on your mind that you wish to draw, do let me know and I will customize one for you on the spot! Don't worry because i'm really flexible! :)

4) Balloon sculpting
All those days painstakingly learning how to do balloon sculptures for little kids in childcare centres during CIP really paid off because I will be selling balloon sculptures from $2 onwards as well! You can choose to get a really simple flower bracelet made up of balloons, getting a stalk of flower for your special one or even any simple design, I would be able to do one up right away to your own preference of colors!

balloons make me a happy girl

Do look out for our banner, we spent one whole night trying to paint it so that you guys can spot us easily on the day itself!

Behind the scenes:
We met several times just to get our jars from Ikea, our plastic bags from Daiso and plastic containers from Poon Huat. Yes, we were so exhausted because we had to run to so many places just to get all the things to pack our 4kg worth of sticky!

Even after getting all the containers ready, we still had to get our banner up by buying a cloth and black&white paint. We took hours to get it done but the satisfaction that we got was so amazing.

 Measuring the jars for our stickers!

 Busy at work
 Final product!
Finally done!

We met the very next day just to go to Little India to get our Henna items. The lady made my Henna less than a minute. I was so shocked because she barely lifted her hands and I couldn't find any flaw in the drawing. No smudge, no accidental slips, nothing. I was truly amazed.

I went back home and tried to do it on tissue paper because Im so afraid of making mistakes on people's hands tomorrow. Thank god my CNOS4 friends like Rachel offered her hand to give me a trial to ease my nerves for tomorrow.

I was busy holding some flower bracelet and it's 2.41am now.

Im really so nervous, but I'm going to give in my very best and trust that everything will run smoothly. I'm so nervous that im actually having butterflies in my tummy. This is just a downside of being a pefectionist, you ovethink things and you couldn't fall asleep because you are just so afraid that you might miss out little things like bringing a certain items or things you couldn't control like how the crowd would be.

Im going off to bed now after this post,

see you all tomorrow at Cineleisure B1 from 3pm-5pm at #voiceforpaws! I would really appreciate so much if i could see familiar faces so that i wouldn't feel so worried because of the love I will be receiving.

Do take a picture with me if you see me hehe! See you tomorrow!

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