Surviving a part time job

April 30, 2015

Anne my favourite girl
Llaollao girls

Sorry I haven't been updating this space for quite awhile because I'm too caught up with work. Yes work, what a girl would do after her A levels to kill time just because she has too much time to on her hands. 

Thankyou to everyone who is still reading my blog till now. 

It's been a great dedication and commitment to this space and my motivation to continue penning down my thoughts is everyone out there reading this right now.

I have got quite a few part time jobs now because I want to experience new things and meet new people at the same time. 

Since January, I've been working till now and I must say it has been an eye opening experience because I have never really gotten a real job that actually allows me to bond with people and experience how its like working in a company. These are the few things I've picked up over the past 4 months. 

#1 Do not trust anyone
Believe me when I say this. This is the number one rule you have to always remember. 

Girls love to gossip, I'm guilty of it as well. it's just in our blood because we always want to get juicy details about everything. The girl you thought is your friend could jolly well be talking behind your back right now, at this instant. The girl who calls you babe all the time and ask details about your lives probably just wants to win over your trust enough to tell her everything about your life like rants; not to know you better but to use them against you. 

The best part is when all these are happening you probably don't even have a single clue about it. 

Gossips are ones that spread like wild fire, even to those that you probably have never met you. Before you know it, you will be struck by the fact that the girl you just poured your heart out to just stabbed you in the back. Who are you going to blame but yourself for being so trusting and thinking that everyone is genuine and sincere?

 Remember that whatever you text to someone, would always be an indirect conversation to someone else via screenshots. 

Just because someone appears to be nice doesn't mean they care, they really don't. Save yourself the trouble of the feeling of betrayal, save yourself from all the unnecessary rumours. 

Keep conversations to an acquaintance level, do not go any deeper into that. 

Listen, but don't speak. 

Don't be that girl who thinks that everyone has some good in their heart because honestly, some just do not. It's really your choice if you want to be the naive girl who trusts and treats everyone like as if their friends and get nothing but bad reputation with the higher authorities, or just blend in and be like everyone else just doing their shit and going home and all is well. 

#2 Always stand up for yourself
If a rumour about you isn't true, or you are being accused of something you didn't do, speak up for yourself. Do not suffer in silence. Everyone knows that by keeping silent is the easy way out and letting things just go by as it is.

Speak up and fight for the things that you know you didn't do wrong. At the end of the day, you will only blame yourself for not standing up and acknowledged all the blame. You will wallow in self pity and killing yourself over guilt induced by something you didnt even do. There is just only so much someone could take in before the pressure gauge in the head explodes.

The next thing you know, you are leaving your job not because you don't love it, but because you couldn't take the people there. You go to a new work environment only to realize it's all the same kind of people, the ones that will play the blame game when things go wrong, spreading rumours that are being magnified, exaggerated even. You will never be happy if you just keep quiet and let things the way it is. 

They have a voice, we do too. 

#3 Your coworker can never be your friend
The best people that you can get along with are the ones at work. 

However, there needs to be a clear divide between work and personal relationships but these two seemed to be blurred because two people are friends. 

You spend a lot of time with them working, you formed a bond. They become your friends, good friends even. This is to the point that you cannot say anything bad behind your friend's back even if he/she screw things up for you at work because well, you all are friends.

You are obliged to do any favour for your friend such as taking their shifts when they couldn't work, swapping shifts with them just so to their convenience and not yours, asking from you everything as if it's granted.

If you don't, you are just a sucky friend and who would want to lose a friendship because of work? Silently, we suffer and constantly catching ourselves saying it's for the sake of the friendship. 

Firstly, friends don't do shit to each other. 

Friends do not ask you to take their shifts when they know you have been working a lot to the point of collapsing. 

Friends do not guilt-trip you to work in replacement of them just because they have something they have to attend to(which is obviously not an emergency).

Friends do not expect a free meal from you just because you earn more than them because obviously it's your hard-earned money. Friends will tell you straight in the face what you should be improving on and help not bitch about you to others. 

Friends do not do shit to each other, they are suppose to help one another.

#4 Always be open to feedbacks
Be open minded about things. 

Don't take everything personal because it's all about work. 

If you know that a colleague likes the place to be neat and tidy then do so adapt to their working styles. If you know you have issues to work on allow yourself to have time for improvement. 

I'm blur as hell and whatever stupid things you can think that a person would make at work i've probably already done it.

It's okay to start off bad, the only difference is that you are willing to learn and make change for the better.

This it to make the working place a happier place because everyone knows the different working standards everyone has.

#5 The most blunt people are the most sincere ones
Often than not, we will always meet that one person who will always point out your every mistakes and making you feel awful inside. We often feel so tensed and stressed up in their presence and they are the reason why you hate work so much. 

However, they are the ones who are willing to take on the bad guy role upfront and teach us the correct way of how things should be done even though they know it might end up making you hate them.

They are the ones who will make you grow and learn the most because you are so afraid of making mistakes that you tend to be more careful.

You would want to seek their approval from them. When you finally have their thumbs up, you will look back and think that all those harsh comments, feedback are worth it because it made you grow. 

They are also the ones who are the most honest, sincere ones because they tell you everything they do not like about you infront of you other than putting up a facade just like everyone else. 

These are the unsung heroes in every workplace; misunderstood just like batman but without them everything will be so different.

#6 "Don't unto to others what you don't want others to unto to you" 
As the famous saying by Confucius goes, be kind to everyone even if it's just a simple gesture of buying lunch, helping them out when they have a lot on their plates even if it's just a one way thing.

Do not turn people down when you are capable of helping them out when in need, even simple gestures like staying an hour later just to help them finish up their work can brighten someone's day. 

You will never know your little gestures would make a lasting memory in someone's mind. 

Do not be mean to others by messing up your part just because you want to end work and go home earlier because everyone wishes to do that too. Be kind, be nice, and be sincere.

Last but not least with all that being said, there are of course exceptions to everything.

Not everyone is selfish. People you meet at work could be really be friends who will stick by you no matter what. 
Just a word of advice to end it all off: 

Be kind, but watch your back as well.

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