Knight in shining armour lll

June 16, 2013

As some of you may know, my boy and I have been together for half a year now. It definitely wasn't a easy journey, but we are still together, making opposite ends work and I believe still going strong.

Time goes by and things get tougher. Time and work pulls couples apart, we are of no exception.
Let me rewind a little back to Valentine's Day. We were still as sweet as ever and everything was so blissful that everything seems so surreal. We made time for each other no matter what even when I have started schooling and he is still having his holidays. Having a hectic schedule, I had to literally squeeze out time just to go down to Topshop and get him a gift. Of course, I was whinny and everything because the weather was humid and my bag was so heavy. Got his gift, and immediately went back home and crashed on my bed till the very next morning for school. I woke up feeling like shit because I didn't do my homework and the feeling's so terrible that it kind of spoilt the Valentine's day atmosphere. After school, I went to his house during the evening and waited for him to cook for me my dinner as he promised (how sweet) while he gave me my valentine's day gift in a pretty pink box. I didn't know what was inside yet because it would be rude to open presents in front of your giver, so I contained my temptations and put it aside. However, he told me to open it and there was a little voice in my head going, ' Fuck yes! ' and opened it, anticipating what lies inside this pretty box. When I saw there's a pink cardigan, I remembered how I've always told him how I wanted a pink cardigan but never really had the chance to buy one because im just a stingy person. I was so happy that I gave him a big hug and off he went to prepare my dinner.  

Honestly, he took a long, long time to cook up my dinner and I kind of dozed off a little in front of his computer. When he served me his home cooked dinner, I was so impressed of how detailed he had placed each ingredients side by side to make it look so scrumptious. There was a side of vege, nicely diced up potatoes and a grilled chicken with a few pieces of lemon laying perfectly on it. It was perfect. I'm so impressed that my boy took in all those tiny little details while on the other hand i'm just that kind of girl who would mash everything up because I feel that whatever's on the plate would go into my mouth anyway. I really need to learn how to cook! After he had sent me home, he told me there was another item that is in the box that he have given to me lying beneath the pink cardigan. I opened it again and took out the cardigan, only to find a deck of cards there. I took it out and only to find that they were the cards that I had accompanied him to buy the other day at Dhoby Ghaut because he told me he needed for a magic trick. The only difference was, the once blank cards have all been filled up. all 52 of them. I was so touched and I cried upon seeing those handwritten cards right in front of my eyes. Never in my life would I have thought that a boy would actually do all these for me. The surprise doesn't just stop here; He had uploaded a valentine's day video for me which he did overnight at Alfian, his best friend 's chalet because he wanted to spend the day with me because I was being cancelled upon the last minute. I really feel so blessed having him doing all these for me while pathetic me just bought him a jacket and wrote a pretty card for him. (dang, im useless).

After he have started school, things start to go from fairytale land to what a normal relationship would end up like; fights and quarrels. This is the point of the relationship where couples start to find little flaws about each other that they have not noticed before or just brushed it aside because they are just so happy together becomes unavoidable. His materialistic mindset and my emotion-orientated personality became a serious problem in our relationship that has led us to countless fights and tears. We can quarrel over stupid little things like how he forgets to send me monthsary texts or I hung up on his phone call without saying goodbye. We started pointing out and digging out each other's flaws and after each fight the next one is even more serious. It came to a point of time where we literally just wanted to bite each other's heads off because our conflicts can never be solved. We were so miserable and we did not know what to do because it seemed like our fights are endless. And then it hit us - there is no point trying to change the other person and argue about how much you've given in a relationship; being in a relationship is about giving. We give without expecting any returns. Yes, it seems kind of crazy but it worked for us and we started quarrelling lesser and lesser. There is no point trying to fight over things that when once we have woken up, we wouldn't even remember what we have quarrelled about. Yes, I know everyone has been there, done that. Im guilty of that as well.

We quarrelled till so badly that we were near the breaking point of no return. We wanted to give up, but deep down inside we still love each other and we would die without each other. He have definitely given compromises and I have definitely given mine. We express our love so differently for each other, but that doesn't mean it isn't love. There is no way this relationship is going to be easy because both of us are in the stage of life whereby any wrong step, and that's it for us. For me, its getting that bloody A level cert, while him, keeping up a good GPA so that he's able to enter a local university after he has served NS. Seeing how badly we have fought during the period of time where I have my SA1s and his common tests, I believe there are gonna be more breaking points, but I am not going to give up so easily because I am not going to let go something that is so dear to my heart just to pursue materliastic goals. As a 21st century teenager, we are trained to do the impossible; sleeping less than 5 hours a day, finish piles of homework by the very next day, juggle cca and studies at the same time. I don't see why I need to find the excuse to let go the only good thing in my life right now.

I love you, asshole. :)

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