An Unconventional PM Cup 2016
July 25, 2016Yesterday marks the end of a season for University dragon boat teams as SDBF 2016 draws to a close.
This was my first time rowing for NTUDB, my very first SDBF and the very first time as a PM cup rower. Due to unexpected circumstances, it was an unconventional PM Cup race.
The weather wasn't on our side yesterday, with on and offs Cat 1 and intermittent rain.
All the rowers were holding up their hopes, getting all geared up with warm ups and visualizations one hour before the time set for the race.
Warming up for the scheduled 5.05pm race
By this time, it started pouring and the deafening, dreadful alarm sounded again as all races came to a halt yet again.
We waited around for the official announcements for the rescheduling of races, keeping our muscles warm by actively stretching and squeezing time for more visualization sets. We kept ourselves on the tip of our toes to be ready for the race anytime.
One after another, cancellation of several races were blasted through the PA system.
Still, we didn't expect that anything would happen for PM Cup race. After all, it is a prestigious race and it has never been cancelled before, right? Wrong.
NTU was at the back stage doing visualizations while one of our seniors came running down and whispered something into her ears. Our captain ran back to where everyone was and told everyone to take a break.
We didn't know what was going on. We probably guessed Women Opens and PM Cup timing clashed, or any other possible reasons that made our captain burst into such a frantic mode. It was only through ripples of commotion that broke out that we finally knew what was going on.
PM Cup was cancelled.
It didn't hit me right away, it felt so surreal.
It cannot be real, there must be some kind of mistake.
We rushed back to the area to have some kind of affirmation, affirmation that it wasn't true or it's still being discussed.
When our graduating seniors broke down in tears did I realize the seriousness.
PM Cup was really cancelled.
We were being sat down to be comforted by our Team manager in charge, Ms Celine while we let this fact to be sink in. Everyone was crying.
Feeling defeated, because we didn't even get a chance to go down the waters.
Feeling angry, because they can't this to us. Everything we have built ever since the start of the season after SDBF 2015 all for the sake of this race.
Feeling cheated, because we have sacrificed our supposedly holiday training every single day to get ourselves in condition specially for this strenuous 1km race.
Feeling lost, because we were left hanging with no PM Cup to have a proper closure to the whole season as we progress to the next when school reopens.
Where would be all the stories that we are going to tell our juniors about PM Cup and motivate them to work for it in the upcoming season? What about our graduating seniors that would be their last chance to row for this prestigious cup?
How were we going to answer to our supporters who came all the way down just to see us row? NUS's cheerleading team came with balloons and flags flying high and NTU, SIM, SMU rowers friends and family?
We went back to our tents only to be told to take our paddle and proceed to the stage.
I didn't know what was going on till I saw the SDBA officials and Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence Mr Ong Ye Kung were crowded by guys and women rowers from NUS, SIM and SMU. They were trying really hard to negotiate for PM Cup to happen.
They didn't give in.
Initially, they wanted to find another time to make up for the PM Cup, but that was not going to work because it takes months of constant training to be in the best condition for a 1km race.
One of the SIM rower told them that they have graduating seniors that have to move on with their lives after their race to start their jobs, people going on exchange.
She said,
'I don't care if it's official or not. We just want this PM Cup to happen because we have been training hard for this. All it takes is just 3 boats and 5 minutes.
We just want it to happen.'
All the university teams turned an absolute no, to a negotiation between the Minister and SDBA officials, to a consideration and casting vote to come to a final decision.
It was around 6.40pm that they came to a decision.
'This will be your own race, okay? 10 minutes. '
PM Cup was going to happen.
All the university teams let out a roaring scream of euphoria and hurriedly went to warm themselves up, for one last time.
The emotional turmoil charged us with our reignited flame for this sport. NTU did our best, most aggressive gorilla swings.
NTU warming up for the last time for PM Cup
Everyone was so worn out emotionally, but we were physically ready to break into the waters.
Teams rushed down to load up the boat before sunset
It was a race without drums. It was a race without any commentator.
But it didn't matter as we broke the silence with gushing waters as the boat swift down towards the finishing buoy and screams of commands and encouragements throughout the race.
Even though NTUDB didn't win the PM Cup this year, it was alright because we gave our best shot with the chance given to us.
Not getting to row at all is more painful than losing the race.
It was a long day for everyone. It was a painful 2hours wait, but it happened.
From getting used to the waters rowing around SDBA to anticipating the race early in the morning.
To the disappointment, confusion of cancellation of race.
To the race finally happening.
Even though it was an unconventional first PM Cup experience for me, I feel that it was a race that made me realized and learnt many lessons.
Everything is uncertain. One moment it's yours and the next moment it could be taken away that is out of our control.
Never assume that life will always be in our favour.
Most importantly, the power of unity and the burning passion of a sport that made PM Cup happen.
My deepest gratitude towards SDBA officials and Mr Ong Ye Kung for letting us row this precious race. I understand it was a very difficult situation and there were many concerns. Thank you for taking our appeal into consideration. I'm very sure all the University teams would be very thankful for this chance for PM Cup race 2016 to exist.
Also, thank you NUS, SIM, SMU for fighting hard and not giving up even when it was officially announced that it was cancelled. Thank you NUS and SIM ladies team for giving us a good fight and race.
Thank you for a wonderful season.
It was never an easy journey on the road to PMC and there have been times where everyone felt like giving up but held on anyway.
There were times where tensions were high because we were so determined to do a good race set to the point we wanted to throw paddle at each other's faces.
Thank you Ah Hee for believing in us and walking through this whole season with us through rain or shine.
Through all the injuries, bruises, happiness and tears, we have made it through.
Ah Hee!
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From fresh untoned, unfit, pale-skinned bodies and getting tired of rowing 10 strokes with our wooden paddle to where we are now.
We have came a long way together as a batch and it's really heartwarming to see how we came together to improve and encouraged each other.
The beginning is always the hardest,
but we did it anyway.
The moment that we all have been talking about is here. The season is over, we made it and I'm glad we are all still standing strong together in this sport.
With that, it concludes my first season with NTUDB15/16 as a junior blessed with an eye opening unconventional PM Cup.
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Batchies!! |
Till again next year.