Universal Studios
July 28, 2012Its been quite some time since i've blogged cause my computer has gotten virus. Damn.
Didn't really have had a chance to blog about the USS trip with the lovelies. Shall start from there!
We met up at Bedok MRT @ 8am. Shannon and I are the only ones there and the others came late. Hahaha! We started talking about our secondary school lives and stuffs and of course, the past. I would never forget those fun times we used to have in 6/4. Felicia being the best partner i could ever have in the world and gossiping about 'the sink' and bitching about assholes. Hahahaha! Shannon being the cheerful girl who would always notice my mood changes and would constantly ask me whether im adapting to the new class. She's a really good company. Gennie being the one that I would often meet up every now and then. I remembered our first meeting together was after our combined sports meet. We went to eat bazhang @ bedok. & of course, her BBQ birthday party too. Not forgetting my dearest charlotte, who have seen me grown so much, from all the events and dramas in my life, to how i've nutured and become stronger our the years through obstacles and heartbreaks. Couldn't imagine my life without this charlottie. Everyday i wished that if only, i was a little smarter, i would be able to create more memories with her being in the same school. Nevertheless, she still place a great importance to me and of course a big portion in my heart. ;)
Okay enough of those flashbacks! We took the train to Habourfront and took the train to USS! The first ride was the transformers. The waiting time was like 1h 30mins. & seriously its no joke the queue was damn long. We ended up camwhoring a lot along the queue to pass time haha!
Gennie lied to me and told me that it was just a stationary stimulator, but the thing actually moves! Hahaha anyway transformers was AWESOME. I think its my favourite ride other than the boat ride in Madagascar. Will get to it later!
The next ride we went to was the Cylon. & yes I was being dragged to the ride. I thought it was some kind of normal rollercoaster ride but it turned out to be some CRAZY-SHIT-THAT-SCARED-THE-FUCK-OUT-OF-ME. Anyway, it was awesome! I was literally, screaming my lungs out during the ride. Trust me, i could feel that my organs are coming out from my mouth. I was terrified. I felt so much braver after the ride and of course the sense of accomplishment conquering such a crazy ride. But trust me, i would NEVER go on to that thing again. NEVER.
We went to mummy next. Mummy isnt something that i like cause the movements are so sudden and sharp. Like it moves very fast forward and would suddenly stop and goes backwards. I hate that man. It makes me feel like puking.
Me and shann after mummy ride!
After the mummy ride we went to collect our bags in the locker. It started pouring heavy rain and everyone was squeezing with one another. The santrid smell of rain and the odour from the sweat of the people around me was simply unpleasant. Gennie, shann and Char bought raincoats while i shared umbrella with felicia.
We went to the 'far far away' land which was my favourite part of USS cause everything seems so princessy. :)
Pretty shann in a raincoat:)
We went to catch Shrek 4D and it was so adorable. The storyline is hilarious and the effects are cool! (especially with the donkey's sneeze and falling spiders)
The big-ass screen!
lovely gennie with the donkeh!
Accompanied shann to verious shops to collect some free gift or something. Look at the candy shop! :D
It was finally lunch time and we ordered a $45.00 huge pepperoni pizza! The pig me ate 3 slices of it cause no one wanted to ( and i was god damn hungry ) AHAHAHA dont judge! :P
Charlotte was blown away by the mee fen roll at the bottom right. AHAHAHAHA! :)
Madagascar gift shop!
Spotted one group of hot caucasion guys and took pictures with the lads! :D Couldn't stop spazzing over them :) Think its the girl's favourite picture of the day!
With Bestie :)
Camwhored and took many epic fail jumpshots at the public library. HAHAHA! The pics are not with me but with shannon. But trust me, you wouldnt wanna see those jumpshots. So unglam!
HAHAHA spotted this woman statue and asked char to take a pic of me and it :P
& finally the idiot arrived at 4.30pm. He took awhile to even find the gates of the USS. Hahaha so silly. Waited for the girls to finish their 2nd mummy ride cause i was feeling a little dizzy and didnt feel like ridding. Camwhored like crazy with this idiot:)
After that, we went to the Human, and it wasn't even scary as compared to the Cylon. Its so cool :D
Poor charlotte got headache and i didnt have panadol with me. I felt so helpless. Next time, i would bring panadol with me whenever i go out with this lovely! :D Went to some mini roller coaster in the farfar away land, after that went to the boat ride! It was damn cool lah, i liked it the most cause its damn slow :x hehehe.
Shann and gennie!
The insides of the boat ride. :)

Went back to the food republic to meet gennie and felicia and ate. He left as he lives there while i took the train back with gennie and felicia. Gennie and I had an uncomfortable experience with some bitch on the train who wanted to stomp us for sitting down while she herself is a well abled woman of her 30s. I dont see any elerly around who needed the seat, so why must i give in to you when you are capable of standing on your own feet? Assholes everywhere.
Reached home around 11 and texted all the girls and him goodnight and fell asleep almost immediately. It was a day to be remembered ;) I've truly enjoyed myself that day. Really wish outings like this could come by more often.
Came back from tuition Sunday and there's a spongebob birthday cake for me! :D My mum was like, ' Eh, you know when i ask the lady to put happy 16th birthday she was like, 16 already still order spongebob cake?!?! ' AHAHAHA wtf ): #foreveryoung. Got a surprise present from ely, emily and clara :) Super, super touched cause they didnt forget about my birthday. Aww, thanks girlies <3
On my actual birthday i had O level listening comprehension for chinese. Sad. Went to eat with him after school at Seoul Garden. The food was yummy. I dont know why but the only thing that i like was the egg noodles and the teriyaki chicken. HEHEHE, im such a waste of money :P oh well!
Last Friday went to Evening under the stars cause he secretly bought tickets for me without me knowing. Was planning to stay at home and mug like a boss but oh well. It was sweet of him though (; Ate at vivo city's Kim gary and went back to school at 7.00pm for EUTS:) it was a great performance!
Oh, not to forget pressie's from the excos and the annoying orange ;)