Self realization

March 01, 2012

Its been a rather toned down week lately since all the tests are over.

Its funny how we dont cherish what we have before something significant to us is lost. We would tend to focus on the things that we dont have than what we are so fortunate to have. I feel so blessed having so many awesome friends that i know i can rely on like amos , azizah and bennett. Wouldn't know how my world would be if they walk out of my life.

Its weird how when you kept telling yourself that something doesnt affect you anymore but whenever you see him you would feel like crap as before and memories would start to flow back to our minds.

One thing that i've learnt from last year is that its alright to cry when you miss someone, but after crying you gotta move on and get on with life cause life aint gonna wait for you to get better and all these are just not worth it because things have changed. Changes are inveitable as it is a part and parcel of our lives. We should learn when we have to bade goodbye to our loved ones when it is the time to let go. If you love someone so much, it means wanting the best for your loved ones, even if it means going through the rest of his/her life without you being in it. This is what i call true love.

I came to realize that i should take everything by the flow and i shouldnt be rushing things through. I tend to overthink too much that would lead to much unhappiness because of the possibilities of what may go wrong leads to being afraid of the uncertainty of the future. I should take things as it is and not to overthink so much. Oh well, i guess thats me. :)

Its 2.00am in the morning and i need to be up by 5.45am to go to school tomorrow god! TGIF! Finally gonna have some well deserving rest over the weekends.

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