Ups and Downs

January 20, 2013

Some of you may know that i didn't fair well in my O levels. For the past few weeks there was so much self-hatred, deceit, negatibity inside of me that i didn't have the courage to face anyone except for a few close and dearest to my heart people. Looking back, I've given my best, and i couldn't give anymore even if i rewind time. After much reflection, i guess its just because of the wrong subject combination that i had taken, or probably the way that i've studied was wrong. I honestly felt that the burning, ferocious flame in me that kept me going for years just flickered and extinguished. It took much encouragement, comfort and support that got me back up my feet and going. I really dont know what i would do without my family and my dearest. After all, that phase of life is gone and i need to brace myself and shine. I may not burn as bright as the others now, but its not too late yet. I need to smile and push through everything. I really can't wait for the week where he officially quits his job and have the whole week with me. I've already planned every single day out on that week. Its a short post cause i dont really feel like blogging hehe, gonna blog again soon sometime this week!

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