Our Guest of Honour was none other than Mr Baey Yam Keng. I can't believe he was the GOH. Not only is he the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, he is also the MP of Tampines North. I'm proud to live in Tampines hehe.
#Tampinespride yay!
Taking photos at the photowall
ootd for the night!
Shayne, Rachel and I
How do you like my feathery vintage cap?
Together with Shayne and Rachel, we were invited to attend the Grand Finals. We were being seated at the media table, which was the closest to the stage so we could get beautiful shots of the contestants.
Our passes
Main Stage
The event started shortly after we were seated and the finalists graced the stage dressed with HBI International body shapewear, Ikewenna. In line with the theme, 'The Great Gatsby', the finalists are dressed with feathers hung around their necks, floral hats and umbrella to bring out the essence of the 70s era.
While the contestants were given time to change in their outfits, speeches were given by Ms Alicia Lu and Ms Angela Tay respectively.
Ms Angela Tay, Managing Director of ERM Marketing Singapore
By now, the appetizers had been served and we're all so famished.
The finalists were back on stage with their second catwalk, featuring Reebonz's apparel and bags. Reebonz is an online shopping platform for luxurious merchandises, you can check them out here for their latest collection or the items being modeled beautifully by the contestants.
For the next catwalk, the finalists were all dressed in elegant white dresses, each representing different products by HBI International called for/get. For/get is a high-end beauty and skin care brand. It has a wide variety of products from different masks for different types of skin to cleansers. You can check out their products in more details here.
Their white gowns compliments for/get products
We have our talent segment, where the top 4 acts from prejudging panel were selected and asked to perform.
First up, Karine Estelle Cheong performed a classic chinese song, 月亮代表我的心. Her performance was awarded the Best Act Award during prejudging panel. Her performance did not disappoint as she sang with her melodious voice that left the crowd with roaring applause.
Karine singing on stage
Her lovely supporters among the crowd with her banners
We have Jean up next who performed a dance item.
Nikita Misra brought us a traditional Indian dance. It definitely made us immense in the Indian culture during the performance. I never knew she was so nimble, even more nimble than most of teenagers like me.
Meena Bennett with her flamboyant costume and her dance!
Ashlyn Thia
Karine Estelle Cheong
Alyssa Nguyen
Diana Ong
Meena Bennett
Stealing the spotlight by sweeping her off her feet
Vivian Rodrigues
Evy Taher
Liz Xie Fei
Ankita Misra
Mrs Singapore World Charity Queen award goes to Karine Estelle Cheong and Diana Ong for having to raise the most funds for charity.
At last the results for the top 5 finalists were out, and the results are...
In 5th place,
Vivian Rodrigues!
The third runner up goes to...
Elizabeth Lim!
The 2nd runner up is none other than the founder of Klarity and has won several subsidiary awards goes to...
Karine Estelle Cheong!
The 1st runner up goes to yet another beautiful finalist who had won several subsidary awards throughout the night as well. She is...
Diana Ong!
Mrs Singapore 2014/15 was invited on stage to pass on her crown to Mrs Singapore 2015/16!
Mrs Singapore 2014/15 giving her farewell walk
Now with the 2nd-5th place had been crowned, who would be Mrs Singapore 2015/16
*drum rolls please*
Its none other than...
Meena Bennett, Mrs Singapore World 2015/16!
There you have it, the top 5 finalist of Mrs Singapore 2015/16.
Mr Baey Yam Keng, Guest of Honour, with the top 5 finalists
It's been a hectic two months journey for the finalists. From interviews and being shortlisted as the final 20. They are jammed packed with press conference, photoshoots after photoshoots and preparing for prejudging panel. With all that was going on, they kept the motto 'Beauty with a heart' in mind by helping out at Dignity Kitchen to give back to society.
Not only are they beautiful on the outside, but deep within as well.
Congratulations to all finalists for completing this tedious, long journey. Congratulations to the top 5 finalists - Vivian, Elizabeth, Karine, Diana.
Last but not least,
Congratulations to Meena Bennett for being crowned as Mrs Singapore World 2015/16! I'm very sure you will continue to represent Singapore, our proud homeland internationally and bring back glory.
Thankyou ERM Singapore for giving me this opportunity to document down this beautiful journey of the twenty beautiful ladies. It has been a pleasure to be part of this amazing journey with them.
With that, Mrs Singapore World 2015/16 has come to an end. I will be looking forward to next year's Mrs Singapore 2016/17!